Impacto de la envolvente en la demanda de energía en calefacción residencial de la región metropolitana de La Plata, tomando como caso testigo el reciclado energético de una vivienda


Ambient. constr.




Abstract The metropolitan area of La Plata, Argentina, represents 1.6% of households in Argentina. Based on the analysis of the energy retrofit of a house, we provide indicators in order to propose a methodology that facilitates the extrapolation, at regional level, of the impact of a general energy retrofit in homes. The results obtained are presented from micro to macro level, in context of energy shortage and recurrent crisis in the supply of fuels and electricity in Argentina. The improved thermal resistance of walls and ceilings throughout the residential park of La Plata lead to a reduction of 12% of the energy consumed in heating, and a saving of 30,000 TEP / year. We conclude that the incidence of additional insulation on the cost of building justifies its use, partially solving the lack of fuel in our country, reducing fixed costs in housing, providing thermal comfort to users and generating economic reactivation of the construction sector.

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