Impacto da RecuperaÃÃo dos Investimentos na Infraestrutura HÃdrica (Barragens e Adutoras) sobre a CobranÃa pelo Uso da Ãgua. / Impact of the recovery of investment in water infrastructure (dams and water pipelines) on charging for water use.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The works of water infrastructure often clash over the issue of lack of financial resources for the construction and operation. It then becomes the hypothesis of obtaining the funds for water infrastructure construction by charging for the raw water. Then, comes up the question: what is the impact on water charges if the cost of water infrastructure construction would be applied in charging for the raw water, together with the costs of MOM (Management, Operation and Maintenance). We evaluated the financial cost of the deployment of systems of water storage and transfer activities in water supply, comparing the unitary cost of raw water with the ability of users to pay for this water. The data set used was the total costs for the construction of reservoirs and aqueducts in CearÃ, we calculated the annuity payment for these works by applying current variables of time and interest payment. With the annual regulated flow and cost of construction works, we could estimate a cost for this water, and then compare it to current user fees and payment capacity. Was observed a relationship between the cost of building infrastructure and regular drainage equipment supply studied (dams and pipelines). The best trend line that fit the scatterplots between supply costs estimated for the payment of infrastructure âversusâ regulated flow was the power curve. The values obtained for the ability to pay in other published works (Marques, 2009 and Tahal, 2003) were within an order of magnitude of values obtained in this work, leading to consider that there is a possibility for the users to pay for these works, in an amortized way, so it doesnât become totally impracticable.


barragens price, charge, reservoirs. recursos hidricos tarifas, cobranÃa de contas, reservatÃrios.

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