Impacto da mudança de estilo de vida no perfil pró-aterosclerótico em crianças e adolescentes com sobrepeso e obesidade / Impact of life style changing in the pro-atherosclerotic profile in children and adolescents with overweight and obesity




This hypothesis was developed by reason of another research (COSTA G.B. Importance of the obesity increasing cardiovascular risk factors in children and adolescents. Aracaju, 2002. 109p.), in which pro-atherosclerotic profile was determined. At this current survey a controlled clinical trial was performed in fifty-two subjects, aged 10 to 18 years, all of them with IMC percentile >85% and divided in two groups: Group IR, which received non-pharmacological multidisciplinary interventions for sixteen weeks and Group IU, which received only one intervention. There were no statistical differences in relation to: age, race and gender. There was significant interaction group x time (p<0,05) for: weight(Kg) (p<0,0001), height(m) (p=0,0083), body mass index(Kg/m2) (p=0,0053), percentage of body fat(%) (p=0,0022), waist circumference(cm) (p=0,0359), systolic blood pressure(mm Hg) (p=0,0021), diastolic blood pressure( mm Hg) (p=0,0004), TG(mg/dL) (p=0,029), Apo A-1(mg/dL) (p=0,001), fasting glucose(mg/dL) (p=0,018), IGFBP-3(mcg/mL) (p=0,005), TSH(uUi/mL) (p=0,045) and total testosterone(ng/mL) (p=0,030). However, there was not significant interaction group x time (P<0,05) for: heart rate (bpm) (p=0,6809), total cholesterol(mg/dL) (p=0,445), HDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,726), LDL-C(mg/dL) (p=0,926), Apo B(mg/dL) (p=0,069), insuline(uU/mL) (p=0,866), HOMA-ir (p=0,088), IGF-1(nanog/mL) (p=0,424), cortisol(mcg/mL) (p=0,175), PCR-us(mg/mL) and estradiol(picog/mL) (p=0,507). There was low incidence of depression (23,0%), anxiety(15,4%) and alimentary compulsion(13,5%) on whole studied population. In regarding to nutrition and exercise, there are no statistic data because the aim was the education.


aterosclerose obesidade health profile life style sobrepeso atherosclerosis ensaio clínico controlado (tipo de publicação child perfil de saúde adolescent adolescente obesity controlled clinical trial [publication type] estudo de vida overweight criança

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