Impacto da atividade minero-metalúrgica na qualidade de vida em Barcarena entre 1991 e 2000: uma análise intramunicipal a partir dos indicadores sócio-econômicos / Impact of the activity minero-steel mill in the quality of life in Barcarena between 1991 and 2000: a intramunicipal analysis from the partner-economic pointers




The main aim of this work was to analyze the impact of the mining and metallurgical activity in the intramunicipal quality of life in Barcarena, departing from social-economic indicators and indices in the following dimensions: income, education, housing and sanitation. It was used as a data basis the Brazilian Demographic Census of 1991 and 2000 of IBGE. The hypothesis made for so was that the hasty economic growth in Barcarena, impelled mainly by the mining and metallurgical activity, has not corroborated significantly for the life quality of the people in the district. The methodology used was the temporal intra and inter municipal comparative analysis. It was used as a basis for the discussion the results obtained in a descriptive review made by several authors concerning the subject. It was concluded that the mining and metallurgical activity promotes an originally endogenous economical and human development. Therefore, the research revealed that during the years of 1991 and 2000 the population of Barcarena went through a slight improvement in the quality of life in the verified aspects. It was also revealed that the conditions of life of the population could have been better if the positive influence of such activity had not been neutralized by the population growth.


qualidade de vida indicadores sócioeconomicos albras (firma) crescimento e desenvolvimento economico indústria mineral - barcarena (pa) minero-metalurgia poverty quality of life pobreza barcarena (pa) - aspectos econômicos economic and social indicators income inequality desigualdade de renda barcarena (pa) - aspectos sociais economic development projects - barcarena (pa) mining and metallurgical activity barcarena barcarena (pa) - social aspects barcarena projetos de desenvolvimento econômico - barcarena (pa) mineral industries - barcarena (pa) barcarena (pa) - economic aspects

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