Impact of lifestyle intervention program on cardiometabolic profile of a high risk Japanese-Brazilian population. / Efeitos de um programa de intervenção no estilo de vida sobre o perfil de risco cardiometabólico de uma população nipo-brasileira de alto risco cardiovascular




Introduction: High prevalence rates of diabetes mellitus type 2 and other cardiovascular risk factors, previously reported in the Japanese-Brazilian population, motivated an intervention program for change in lifestyle. Aims: To evaluate the effect of 2-year behavioral intervention on cardiometabolic profile of these individuals, independent of the glucose tolerance status at the beginning of the study. Methods: The availability of data regarding the period 2000-2005 provided information about the behavior of variables during the pre-intervention period. In 2005, 728 individuals started in the program; 650 were re-examined in 2006 and 500 in 2007. In each occasion, participants were scheduled for laboratory procedures, medical exams and visits with nutritionist and physical educator. Participants were scheduled for individualized dietary counseling and group sessions, focusing the achievement of the goals: 5% weight loss from baseline for individuals with excessive adiposity; 150 minutes/week of physical activities; intake £ 10% of saturated fat of total energy consumed per day; intake of 400g/day of fruits and vegetables. Results: Compared to the pre-intervention period, the changes in metabolic variables induced by the program were significantly more favorable. The impact of the program was dependent on the number of goals achieved in individuals without diabetes at baseline. Prevalence rates of glucose tolerance disturbances decreased after the first year of intervention (from 58.4% to 35.4%, p<0.001; and from 30.1% to 21.7%, p<0.001, respectively). After excluding individuals with diabetes at baseline, 71.7% of participants improved or maintained their glucose tolerance status (non-progressors) after 2-year intervention. Lower levels of CRP and the diagnosis of glucose intolerance at baseline were associated with improvement or maintenance of glucose tolerance status, adjusted age and anthropometric variables. Changes in lifestyle and anthropometric variables after intervention were not associated with non-deterioration of glucose tolerance status. Conclusion: The intervention induced benefits on cardiometabolic profile of the japanese-Brazilians with high cardiovascular risk after the first and second years of the program, independent of the glucose tolerance status at baseline. Most of the participants maintained or improved the glucose tolerance status following the intervention. Our findings suggest that lower levels of CRP and the presence of glucose intolerance at baseline may be predictive characteristics of those who benefit from this intervention strategy regarding non-deterioration of glucose metabolism, independent of body adiposity. This study should encourage health care providers to make efforts to achieve and maintain a healthy diet and physically active lifestyle in subsets of the population at high cardiometabolic risk.


cardiometabolic risk risco cardiometabólico grau de tolerância à glicose população nipo-brasileira japanese-brazilian population glucose tolerance status intervention intervenção

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