Immunological Sequelae of Trichinella spiralis Infection in Mice II. Potentiation of Cell-Mediated Response to BCG After Infection with Trichinella spiralis


Mice were infected with 200 Trichinella spiralis 14 days after intravenous administration of 4 × 106 viable BCG cells. Individual groups were tested for delayed hypersensitive footpad responses at 14, 20, 29, 57, or 85 days after T. spiralis infection. An initial suppression in the 14-day test group was observed; however, mice tested at later time intervals exhibited potentiation of the 24-h footpad reaction to old tuberculin over that elicited by appropriate controls. This suggested that T. spiralis induces a potentiation of the cellular immune response to BCG. Adoptive transfer studies support the cell-mediated nature of the observed footpad reaction and indicated that the initial suppression was not due to physiological factors preventing the expression of the footpad swelling reaction.

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