Immunolocalization of galectin-3 in mouse public symphysis during pregnancy and post-partum / Imunolocalização de galectina-3 na sinfise pubica de camundongos durante a prenhez e pos-parto




It is recognized that the pubic symphysis of some mammal species, including mice, undergoes structural transformations during pregnancy and post-partum. These transformations include the emerging of an interpubic ligament and softening of this tissue in the two last days of pregnancy. This ligament allows the pelvic bones separation, warranting fetus self passage through the birth channel. After delivery this ligament involutes. Both periods of tissue remodeling involve changes in extracellular matrix and its components, as so a balance between cell proliferation and death. Galectin-3, an animal lectin with specificity for β-galactosídes, is widely spread among different types of cells and tissues, thus being found inside the cells in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, on cell surface or in the extracellular space. Through specific interactions with a variety of intra and extracellular ligands galectin-3 participates of numerous physiological and pathological processes, like for example, development, immune reactions, cell cycle control, apoptosis and metastasis. This research had the objective to localize galectin-3’s expression in mouse pubic symphysis cells during pregnancy, and to investigate its involvement in the pubic remodeling process. It was observed that galectin-3 is present in all pubic cells populations of all of the studied groups. Besides that, galectin-3 is colocalized with α-smooth muscle actin in some cell types. Quantifying of galectin-3 detection revealed that this protein is expressed in different concentrations during the studied period. These results allowed us to conclude that galectin-3 seems to be involved in mouse pubic symphysis remodeling, probably working in the activation of fibroblast like cells, on cell cycle, on differentiation and in the processes of programmed cell death.


galectin 3 sinfise pubiana prenhez pubic symphysis pregnancy galectina 3

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