IMAGINED COMMUNITY IN THE CONTEXT OF THE AFRODESCENDENCY "EDUCATION FOR THE ETHNIC RACIAL RELATIONS" / A Comunidade Imaginada da afrodescendÃncia no contexto da "EducaÃÃo das RelaÃÃes Etinicorraciais".


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aims at investigating which ways of higher education are being trailed for the consolidation of an afrodecendency community, based on the law for the education of ethnic racial relations, after the sanction of the Law 10.639/2003. A kind of education which, according to the comprehension of the afrodecendency defenders, has to take into consideration the relationships built in the historical, social, political, economical, and cultural process; immersed in the power contexts and the Brazilian hierarchies, in which race operates as a form of social classification, demarcation of differences and political interpretation and identity. The research is structured into a bibliographic- documental analysis and presents a theoretical approach of the community concept, seeking to understand if the education of the ethnic racial relations can forge an imagined community of afrodecendency. According to the words of Zygmunt Bauman, this community points to a "good thing", but also threatens the freedom; it provides security, but on the other hand requires loyalty to its ideals. Itâs âimaginedâ because for Benedict Anderson it creates strong ties of belonging among equals and excludes those who are considered different. Itâs the imagined community of afrodecendency because it seeks a new national setting, where "white and black" cannot coexist, as previously thought, within a racial democracy. It is not denied, in this reflection, that racism exists in Brazil, but it is questioned how a legal apparatus can change a reality of social inequality, especially if they are built based on the adoption of public policies directed to attend a portion of the population. With these bases and following a neoliberal model of Government, the law 10,639 and its consequences ensure afro descendants the repairing-affirmative rights. The teachers, authors and studentsâ speech, are also analyzed as well as the editorial production of the universities, particularly in the Federal University of Cearà (UFC) and in the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA); in the undergraduate courses (history, literature and the Arts), in order to verify whether they are following the guidelines set out in the Law and what are their specific contributions to the construction of an imagined community of afrodecendency under the aegis of an education of ethnic racial relations. Such analysis is reasonable, once academic discussions are growing, but little deepens the understanding of transformations produced in it. We seek to contribute more directly to discussions on the reconstruction of the identity of the people from the state of CearÃ, Brazil, and the repercussions of the clash between the âmestizoâ ideology and the afrodecendency. As a result of the investigation taken, we come out with a synthesis table of obstacles which are crucial in the relation between an education for the ethnic racial relations and an imagined community of afrodecendency


afrodecendency universidade federal do cearà comunidade cultura afro-brasileira - estudo e ensino(superior) - fortaleza(ce) afrodescendÃncia autoria educacao lei 10.639 produÃÃo editorial law 10.639 editorial production editoras universitÃrias - publicaÃÃes - fortaleza(ce) editoras universitÃrias - publicaÃÃes - salvador(ba) cultura afro-brasileira - estudo e ensino(superior) - salvador(ba) brasil.[lei nÂ10.639, de 9 de janeiro de 2003] community universidade federal da bahia

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