Images acquisition system development and validation for sailing / Desenvolvimento e validação de sistema de aquisição de imagens na vela




This study aimed to develop instrumentation for images acquisition that makes possible movements quantification and kinematics analysis of the sailors hiking positions in Laser boats. Two waterproof boxes were developed for cameras protection, confectioned with fiberglass and acrylic lens viewfinder. The camera and lens viewfinder components had been tested in a bidimensional kinematics analysis, and between the analyzed cameras, the digital standard cameras presented superior quality. The developed viewfinders havent seemd to generate distortion for the reference measures reconstruction. The root mean square error and the maximum error for the combined cameras and with the lens viewfinders had been quantified. With the equipment a procedure for the boat equipment positioning was developed, with one camera located to the front and second, located in the mast. The camera located in the mast intervened with the sailor movement, and this way its use was discarded. With the images gotten from the camera located in the front it was observed movements quantification possibility made for the sailor. To make possible a posterior analysis kinematics of the sailor hiking positions was considered a procedure for calibration from the image picture. The procedure if showed efficient for a bidimensional hiking positions analysis. However, beyond the hip and knee joints extension, the sailor also executes the rotation of the trunk, what makes a three-dimensional hiking analysis more adjusted.


educacao fisica classe laser yachts and yachting cinemática laser class biomecânica vela sailing instrumentation instrumentação kinematics iates e iatismo biomechanics

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