Imagens de um Rio : um olhar sobre a iconografia do Rio Tiete / Images of a river: one look at on the iconography of the Tiete river




Survey and analysis of the iconography of the Tietê river, observing the diversity of meanings of this river during its history and the corresponding plastic representations. The cartography of the first ?monções? (expeditions over the Tietê river in the XVIII-th and XIX-th centuries) was briefly analyzed through the works of the traveling artists - in special those that had effectively portrayed the Tietê river, as Thomas Ender, William John Burchell, Aimé-Adrien Taunay and Hercule Florence, and of the local painters - Miguelzinho Dutra and Almeida Júnior. With focus on the question of the construction of Tietê imaginary from its iconography, it was emphasized the analysis of paintings portraying the ?monções? that belong to the São Paulo Museum. Produced in the beginning of the XX-th century, these paintings had participated of a history construction project, having São Paulo as hegemonic reference and Affonso D Escragnolle Taunay as mentor. The visual model of these paintings was the illustrations made during the Langsdorff Expedition and published in the book ?Viagem Fluvial do Tietê ao Amazonas?, by Hercule Florence. Despite the similar viewing, the two iconographies present different meanings: Florence?s are visual chronics of a specific scientific expedition (Langsdorff?s) and São Paulo Museum?s are orders for a historical museum that generalize all the ?monções?. To understand this dichotomy, the contexts where both had been produced were analyzed


arte - historia drawing history cartografia - tiete rio (sp) cartography pintura desenho artistas rio (sp) painting imaginary artists imaginario art tiete

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