Imagens de Exu: uma análise da construção mítica no livro de fotografia Laróyè, de Mário Cravo Neto.




The visualization of Exu and its myths in the photographic visual materiality built by the photographer Mario Cravo Neto, in his book Laróyè, is the focus of this dissertation. Released in 2000, this work is a self-declared tribute to the Candomblé God of crossroads, bringing together 141 photographs whose protagonists are black men and women moving through different areas of the city of Salvador, Bahia. The reference work chosen here for the mythic narratives is the book Mitologia dos Oixás, from Reginaldo Prandi. Based on a multidisciplinary research perspective, which evokes not only the photographic language and techniques but also its composition rules and the registering dimension of the photograph as a document, this dissertation pursued an interpretative analysis of 15 pictures, considering the most significant characteristics of the photographic medium, namely its iconics and indicial elements. The analysis showed that, in fact, only from this dialogue is that the symbol dimension of the myths about Exu can be achieved rewardingly. The peircean categories of the sign related to its object (icon, index and symbol) also provided the guiding principle of a reflection on the mode of construction, in terms of photographs, of this link between the mythical and reality dimensions, having the figure of Exu as a vehicle.


fotografia exu análise multidisciplinar comunicacao mito

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