Imagem-identidade indígena: construção e transmissão em escolas não-indígenas / The indigenous image-identity: construct and transmit in non-indigenous school.




This thesis treat how is construct and transmit the image of the Brazilians indigenous at the non-indigenous schools of Ensino Fundamental, both in program content and in everyday experiences, a reference for introductions or events that are offered. Understanding how teachers operate in everyday life, as they build and / or disseminating the image of indigenous people was the object of research. The comparative basis was given by the expectation that the non-indigenous school is minimally informed about the achievements of indigenous people that are present in the Brazilian legislation from the 1988 Constitution and, more directly, from the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB) n. 9394/96 - common substrate to all Brazilians and that is the domain of non-indigenous school and educators. He contemplated a case study, namely the city of São José dos Campos in the Paraíba Valley, State of São Paulo, a city that began as indigenous village and currently has no direct contact with indigenous, although it has that possibility with communities relatively close. With exploratory, it is considered the national framework, the choice of the city, however, has potential that could allow possible understanding aimed at generalization. It was necessary then to know the law regarding the school education of indigenous and non-indigenous, the municipality; concepts of cultural diversity, tolerance, image and identity especially in relation to the legal instruments currently available in Brazil, particularly in Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais and the Referencial Curricular Nacional para as Escolas Indígenas, as well as existing rules on state and municipal levels. Is found in Silva, Grupioni, Goffman, Fischmann, and others to compose the theorist base. As a result of the investigation it was found that the schools have content and stereotypical images of indigenous Brazilians.


school education educação escolar image-identity brazilian indigenous indígena brasileiro imagem-identidade

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