Iliac arteriovenous fistula due to spinal disk surgery. Causes severe hemodynamic repercussion with pulmonary hypertension.


We present a case of a 46-year-old man with a pulsatile mass in the left inferior abdominal quadrant that irradiated a continuous murmur extending to the left lumbar region. Despite an 8-year history of cardiomegaly, he appeared to be asymptomatic except for the mass and could recollect no traumatic injury or surgery that might have caused it. Near the vertebral column, we found a small scar, the result of spinal disk surgery 11 years before. Following chest radiography and electrocardiography, we located the suspected arteriovenous fistula by selective angiography of the aorta and its branches: a communication of the left iliac artery with the left iliac vein had resulted in a very large left-to-right shunt and a severely dilated inferior vena cava. We then divided and isolated the arterial segment containing the fistula, but left this segment in continuity with the left iliac vein by over-sewing both ends. To avoid injury to surrounding structures, dissection was limited to the area of maximal thrill. Hemodynamic improvement was immediate, and the postoperative course was uneventful. At the present time, almost 3 years postoperatively, the patient is asymptomatic.

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