Igrejas setecentistas mineiras : a influencia das caracteristicas arquitetonicas na qualidade acustica / The influence of architectural characteristics on acoustic quality of churches of Minas Gerais State built in the 1700s´s




The Vatican Council II constitution promoted deep changes in Catholic Church and the mass liturgy, in which one can highlight the use of the national language instead of Latin. This transformation together with the growing participation followers in the celebrations was responsible for changes in habits and consequently use of these places concerning acoustic quality for music and speech. Innumerable complaints have been reported by priest and followers about audibility in such spaces. These points added to the constant acoustic problems related by users and troubles found by professionals in obtaining the subsidy necessary to the acoustic adaptation in these environments motivated this research. This work has as main target to gather architectural characteristics of nine baroque churches built during the XVIII century in Minas Gerais state and verify interferences in their acoustic quality, and at the same time create a document to provide specif technical information. Baroque churches were chosen as study object for their artistic and historical importance and for serving the double of adequately accomodating both spoken words and music performance. Speech intelligibility was analysed using the STI parameter (Speech Transmission Index). Other acoustic parameters (clarity (C80), definition (D50), reverberation time (RT)) were also obtained through impulsive response technique using the Dirac rooms evaluation program by Bruel&Kjaer. Results showed that music and speech intelligibility are very specific to this kind of construction and the acoustic quality is strongly influenced by architectural characteristics


acustica arquitetonica intelligibility arquitetura barroca churches acoustic acustica baroque churches reverberation

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