IFN-y production in patients with leprosy and in yours households in the populacional sample of the Sobral city- Ceara. / ProduÃÃo de ifn-y em pacientes com hansenÃase e em seus contactantes numa amostra populacional do MunicÃpio de Sobral - CearÃ




Leprosy, which is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, is an illness of ample clinical and immunopathological spectrum. Its clinical manifestations are correlated with distinct immunologic form, varying from a vigorous immune response mediated by cells to M. leprae, with type 1 standard in the tuberculÃide polar region, to an absence of specific cellular response to antigens of M. leprae in the lepromatous polar region, with predominance of type 2 response and exacerbations of humoral response. The capacity of whole M. leprae antigen to stimulate peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) in the IFN-y production was measured in leprosy patients and their householdâs contacts, in the city of Sobral, state of CearÃ. A total of 30 leprosy patients were used for the study, before start chemotherapy. The paucibacilary leprosy patient group consisted of eight polar indeterminate, ten polar tuberculÃide, two borderline tuberculÃide, and the multibacilary leprosy patient group consisted of ten lepromatous leprosy and two borderline lepromatous leprosy. The household contacts group consisted of sixty healthy individuals, consanguineous and non consanguineous. The whole M. leprae antigen stimulated IFN-y production in the PBMC of seven borderline tuberculÃide/tuberculÃide (DT/TT), three indeterminate form, two borderline lepromatous/lepromatous (DV/VV the DT/TT group produced IFN-y levels significantly higher than DV/VV group (Fisher Test, p=0,027). The IFN-y production in the household contacts was observed in 34, 21 consanguineous and 13 non consanguineous. It wasnât observed significant difference between paucibacilary householdâs contacts (DT/TT, indeterminate form) and multibacilary householdâs contacts groups in the IFN-y production to whole M. leprae antigen. However, it was observed significant difference in the production of these cytokine between household contacts and DV/VV patients. This study suggests that there wasnât significative difference in the production IFN-y between non consanguineous and consanguineous subjects of the paucibacilary and multibacilary cases. Moreover, at correlacionated the production in these cytokine in the subjects with the presence of scar, we didnât observed significative difference too


hansenÃase microbiologia medica interferon tipo ii hansenÃase virchowiana mycobacterium leprae interferon type ii leucÃcitos mononucleares leprosy mycobacterium leprae

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