If this street was mine, I will ask to grafitti: The discoursive constrution of wall grafitti in Campina Grande PB. / SE ESSA RUA FOSSE MINHA, EU MANDAVA GRAFITAR!!! A construção discursiva do grafite de muro em Campina Grande PB




This dissertation is result of a research whose main aim was to analyze the discursive construction of wall graffiti in Campina Grande/PB, as a conveyed process of ideology and power. The Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2001), Thompsons concepts of ideology (2002) and Gramscis concept of hegemony (1973) have been utilized for the analysis of this study. The analytical corpus is formed by 92 linguistic excerpts of graffiti which were photographed in some neighborhoods of Campina Grande such as: Catolé, São José and downtown. The images of graffiti, the oral interview of a graffiti man, oral information collected in meetings with members of this group, and the answers given by nine graffiti men and a graffiti woman to the research surveys have been utilized as support for the analysis. The analytical process covered the discourse based on Fairclough three dimension model: the text, the discursive practice and the social practice. In textual dimension, the vocabulary, the grammar and the text structure have been analyzed. In the vocabulary item, the focus was on the signification, creation of words and the metaphors, including the analysis of the use foreign languages words as well. In the grammar item, the priority was the transitivity whose objective was to verify the processes and the verbal voices, as well as the use of tenses and verbal persons. In the text structure, the analysis consisted of general organizational properties in the texts. The dimension of discursive practice involved the processes of production, distribution and consumerism of wall graffiti, which were responsible for the analysis of graffiti discursive memory, from the analysis of the intertextuality, polyphony and the interdiscursivity. In the social practice dimension, ideology and hegemony have been focused. The results of the research suggest that this discursive construction expresses the concerns and the desires of teenagers, pointing to the organization of these social subjects by the graffiti hegemony in both society and among the enemy graffiti tribes, besides of remitting a subversive attitude to the system, contesting the hegemonic discourse, showing that in this discourse there is the establishment of fight by overcoming of dominant situations and the questioning of the predominant hegemony. Thus, this discursive construction, in spite of the questioning intention, at same time it expresses anti-hegemonic and anti-ideological meanings, in some moments, it reproduces the discourse of the dominant ideology.


discurso discourse grafite de muro ideologia e poder ciencias sociais aplicadas graffiti wall ideology and power

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