Ideologia neoliberal no discurso da avaliação : a excelencia e o avesso da excelencia




The object of study of this thesis is the discourse of evaluation produced in a private university of the state of São Paulo. Our central hypothesis is that neoliberal principIes, notions and concepts constitute this discourse. Consequently, through technologies of domination and technologies of self (cf Foucault, 1976), students are constituted as clients whose necessities and expectations have to be fulfilled. In the same operation, knowledge is constituted as economic capital. Adopting the French perspective to Discourse Analysis, we proceed to analyse the conditions of production and the linguistic materiality of documents and of interactions, focusing on the discourse of evaluation in a context of English as a Foreign Language teaching and learning. We point out how argumentative strategies are used in the many discourses that compose the disciplinary block of evaluation in order to legitimate them. We observe that the transmutation of the political issue of evaluation into a technical question of product and process management as well as the functioning of a policy of affection have exacerbating effects to the exercise of disciplinary power, providing potential confession discourses and interdicting resistance discourses. We finally consider that the discourses produced by administrators are strongly constituted by neoliberal principIes, notions and concepts and are constructed around the promise of excellence, whereas the discourses produced by teachers, taken as effects of the exerci se of institutional power, materialize the reverse of excellence in the image of the unable student and configure resistance to the hegemonic neoliberal project of total quality management

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