Identity-based cryptography environment. / Um ambiente criptográfico baseado na identidade.




The accelerated growth of Internet-based business increase significantly the need for mechanisms that can guarantee the data confidentiality, providing tools for authenticity and non-repudiation users in any medium of communication, even with computer resources becoming increasingly scarce, eg into a cell phone. This paper describes an encryption scheme that uses personal data for key generation and encryption, called the Identity Based Encryption, without need for a digital certificate. Various encryption schemes, signature, key agreement are shown, and its main characteristics, operational differences and their respective relevant aspects of security. Some aplicabilities such as encrypted data search, for example, are implemented, for better understanding of the operations and stages involved. The comparative computataional costs of operations highlight the Barreto et al. (2005) signature scheme and McCullagh e Barreto (2004b) key agreement scheme. They are also described, the prerequisites of an Identity-based cryptography environment, which allows to perform the operations of encryption, signing and key agreement with lower computational cost possible.


busca cifrada identity-based cryptography aplicabilidades key agreement schemes encryption schemes esquemas de acordo de chaves esquemas de assinatura criptografia baseada na identidade signature schemes esquemas de cifração

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