Identities of socials educators: trajectories of life and formation. / Identidades de educadoras sociais: trajetórias de vida e formação




The present work objective to investigate the impacts of the process of systematic formation in service, from the study of a group of eight social educators that work at no government organization Ação Comunitária located at Campo Limpo area, extreme southern zone of São Paulo. To coming from of the principle of that the formation and the personal and professional development of these educators are also methodicals in its space of performance, looked for identify the possible contributions of the process formation permanent realized by institution in the constitution of the personal and professional identities of the educators. Beyond the possible decurrent impacts of the continuous formation, the influences exerted for the personal trajectories of life and experiences will also be examined that marked in familiar and school environments of the studied group. By means of the production of written registers significant, verbal account through half-structuralized interviews and registers of personal memory (photos), the participant social educators of this research, had been able to carry through an intense autobiographical, exercise of a possible taking of conscience of the processes that had influenced in its personal and professional trajectories of life. Searching support in the theoretical reference of Historical-Cultural Psychology, was possible to perceive that this process of formation can generate significant changes in the forms in the forms of being, thinking, to act and to become related of that of it they participate. The phychic processes of identity constitution, can many times pass unobserved for the citizens that live dived in the requirements of the modern society, imminently immediate, capable to understand the "being" only in its "here and now", disrespecting the permanent character of search of "itself exactly", "no conclusion" of "devir" or "coming to be" inherent to the constitution of the identity human being.


auto-biografia autobiographical identidade formação social educators educadoras sociais identity formation

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