Identification methodologies of bite marks / "Metodologias de identificação de marcas de mordidas"




ABSTRACT The bite marks has been described in scientific literature like a fundamentals elements of burglars and victims identification. The Forensic Odontology has shown each more contributions in this area of investigation. The aim of this study was to compare four analysis methodologies of bite marks, moreover improvement of the actual techniques, observing advantages, disadvantages and adapting to each kind of support. The sample was composed by fifty stone models of odontology students from Dental Faculty of University of São Paulo. It was used three kinds of food: four apples, chewing gums and chocolate bars. The foods were bitten for volunteers randomly choose without knows of the scientist. The valuation was made through the comparison of methodologies to collect and study of human dental impressions. The results showed that the more secure and indicated technique for these foods was Metric Analysis. From twelve foodstuffs, it was possible to identify ten of then. Two cases it wasn’t possible indicate the main suspects, but exclude fourty-five in one of the cases and fourty-six in the other. Based on the results, it was proposed a protocol to bite marks analysis for the three foodstuffs. It was proved that the study of bite marks in foods can be used like more one investigation proof, faculting your incorporation in the probatory amount of a criminal investigation, with the possibility of confer a significant incriminatory or excludent power.


bite marks identificação humana odontologia legal marcas de mordida forensic odontology foodstuffs human identification

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