Identification and characterization of p59fyn (a src-like protein tyrosine kinase) in normal and polyoma virus transformed cells.


fyn is a member of the growing family of protein tyrosine kinase genes whose sequences are highly related to that of c-src. We have generated antibodies to peptides corresponding to two different amino-terminal sequences encoded by this gene. Antisera to both peptides recognized a 59 kd protein from human and mouse fibroblasts. p59fyn was phosphorylated in vivo on serine and tyrosine residues and was also myristylated. Furthermore, immune precipitates of p59fyn had tyrosine kinase activity in vitro, as measured by autophosphorylation and by phosphorylation of substrates such as enolase. This kinase activity was shown to be negatively regulated by tyrosine phosphorylation. We have also established that, like pp60c-src and p62c-yes, p59fyn was complexed with middle T antigen, the transforming protein of polyoma virus. However, the tyrosine kinase activity of p59fyn was not elevated in middle T transformed cells. Possible explanations for this are discussed.

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