Identificação e validação de termos de linguagem especial de enfermagem em reabilitação física motora de pacientes adultos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Using a specific language contributes to the provision of efficient communication in all areas of knowledge. Nursing uses a particular language technique called language of the specialty. The standardization of language can be achieved through the use of classification systems. However, it is unknown if a specific classification system exists for physical motor rehabilitation nursing, although the International Council of Nurses encourages the creation of ICNP® catalogs to different areas of nursing. The objective of this study was to contribute to the construction of a specific language in physical motor rehabilitation that would constitute a catalog of reference within ICNP®. We searched electronic medical records and identified 1,425 terms used in the nursing records. The terms were submitted to nine stages for the development of a specific terminology for rehabilitation nursing, as follows: term extraction; eliminating duplications; standardization of terms; exclusion of terms related to medical diagnoses and proceedings; cross-mapping; classification of terms not contained in ICNP® 2.0 according to the seven axes; development of conceptual definitions of terms; validation of the terms in relation to the conceptual definitions; and, validation of the terms in relation to the axes and validation of the definitions rewritten by calculating the index of agreement among experts for terms not contained in the ICNP® 2.0, both in relation to one of the seven axes of the ICNP® and in relation to the definitions. There were 827,047 terms that were extracted after the exclusion of duplicates, the standardization of terms, exclusion of terms related to medical diagnoses and proceedings and the cross-mapping, resulting in 825 terms: 226 terms that were not included in and 599 terms already existing within the ICNP ® 2.0. We used the Delphi technique in the validation process of the developed definitions for the terms not contained in the ICNP® 2.0 and allocation of the terms in the ICNP® axes. We used a Likert-type scale, in which the participant indicated the degree of relevance of the definition. We validated that the term had reached the confidence interval (CI) greater than or equal to 0.80, both in relation to the definition as well as in relation to the axis. The validation step was performed in two phases, when the term did not reach the CI of 0.80, its definition was reworked in accordance with the suggestions submitted by experts and a questionnaire was resent for validation. At the end, all terms not contained in the ICNP® 2.0 were validated in relation to the definition and in relation to the axis, with 47 terms of the focus axis, 15 terms of the judgment axis, 102 terms of the means axis, 31 terms of the action axis, 3 terms of the time axis, 25 terms of the location axis, and 3 terms of the client axis. Thus, these terms formed a database terms of specific language used by nurses in the area of physical motor rehabilitation in Brazil. It is suggested that the Review Committee of the ICNP® provide specific guidelines on the inclusion of new terms in order to contribute to further studies in the area. It emphasized the need for constant studies for the development of nursing language to be fundamental in teaching, research and care, contributing to the development of a language universal to nursing care and nurses autonomy, which is reflected by the best quality patient care.


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