Identificação da microbiota das lesões endo-periodontais por cultura e PCR e sua suscetibilidade ao preparo quimico-mecanico e a medicações intracanais entre sessões de atendimento / Identification of endodontic-periodontal lesions microbiota by culture and PCR and their susceptibility to chemo-mechanical preparation and intracanal dressings between appointments




The aims of this study were to investigate the microbiota of root canals (RC) and periodontal pockets (PP) from teeth with pulp necrosis, periapical lesion, gingival bleeding and periodontal pockets by culture and PCR; to verify the ability of chemo-mechanical preparation (CMP) and intracanal dressings (2% chorhexidine, calcium hydroxide and association of both medications) on reducing colony forming unit (CFU/mL) counting in the period of 7 or 14 days in the root canal and periodontal pocket; and to investigate possible associations among detected bacterial species and microorganisms and between signs and symptoms. Samples were collected from RC (E1) and PP (P1) before and after CMP (E2 and P2) and after the use of intracanal dressings (E3, P3). Adequate transport medium, culture, incubation and biochemical tests were used. DNA of samples was extracted and primers species-specific to Treponema denticola, Treponema socranskii), Gemella morbillorum (Gm), Tannerella forsythia (Tf), Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas endodontalis (Pe), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Prevotella tannerae (Pt), Prevotella nigrescens (Pn), Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), Filifactor alocis (Fa), Parvimonas micra (Pm) were used to detect these species by PCR. The results showed that the average of initial CFU/mL was 17.33 x 10 6 in RC and 17.93 x 108 in PP, after CMP 15.25 x 104 in RC and 8.53 x 108 in PP and after the use of intracanal medications 7.6 x 104 in RC and 3.88 x 108 in PP. By culture, the most frequent microorganisms in RC were:Pi/Pn/Pt and Fn in 45% of the E1, Pi/Pn/Pt (5%), P propionicum (5%), S salivarius (5%), M varians (5%) in E2, A naeslundii and P propionicum in 36.6% of the E3. In PP, Pg and Gm were in 50% of P1 while Pm was the most isolated in P2 (62.5%) and Fn in P3 (73.3%). By PCR, in both sites, in all moments of the endodontic therapy, Pm was the mostly found microorganism. It was verified that Pm, Td and Tf were found in greater number in P2 than in E2; and Pe and Fn were more presented in P2 than in E2. There were no statistic differences in the initial samples. It was concluded that, RC and PP from teeth with endo-perio lesion were infected with a combination of microorganisms species, mainly strict and facultative anaerobe bacteria, grampositives; CMP was responsible for the mainly microbial reduction in root canals and the use of intracanal dressings in the established time did not achieve any antimicrobial effect in adjacent periodontal pockets, positive statistic correlations were noted between detected bacterial species and microorganisms and signs and symptoms, there were no statistic differences in the antimicrobial efficacy among the intracanal dressings in RC and PP in the studied period


chlorhexidine calcium hydroxide hidroxido de calcio microorganismos microorganisms clorexidina

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