Identidades (nem tão) virtuais assim : um olhar sobre a construção das identidades territoriais no ciberespaço


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Recognizing the importance and popularity of the internet social networking, especially among the younger portion of the population, this study aims, through the lens of Geography and Cultural Studies, to examine how users of the relation¿s site Orkut build position and map their identities through virtual communities present on the respective site. At the same time, concerns about who is this contemporary young and his main identity positions. In this way, we use as theoretical pillars in our research the concepts of identity, territory and community, with emphasis on authors such as Hall, Haesbaert and Bauman, as well as authors related with Cyberspace¿s studies. The space for our research is the neighborhood Cidade Baixa, from the city of Porto Alegre/RS - and two virtual Orkut communities that allude to their neighborhood, chosen precisely for the profusion of groups and ¿tribes¿ (specially youngers) that we can find there. Our focus stay more closely to the speeches, tensions and positions presented in these communities that cause consequences in the process of building "profiles" of its members. Such virtual spaces proved to be a kind of interesting stage for the ¿decentralized identities¿ parade showed by the contemporary youth. We still analyze some points of conexions and divergences between the communities from the on and off world¿s sphere in order to not ignore their connection.


geografia cultural comunidades virtuais identity orkut geography of cyberspace territory ciberespaço

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