Identidade itine(r)rante : o (des)contínuo (des)apropriar-se da posição de professor de língua estrangeira / Intinerant identity : the (des)continuing (mis)appropriation of the position of foreign language teacher


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims at the discussion of possible subtle changes in the identity of the foreign language teacher, especially the English teacher in basic education, during the process of continuous education. The primary hypothesis is that the changes result from the possible establishment of a relationship between language subjects, and not necessarily from an awareness or reflection fostered during teacher s education. In order to investigate this matter, we resorted the contribution of two fields, that is, the studies about discourse and psychoanalysis, particularly that which concerns the notion of language, idiom and subject. The main presupposition which conducts the research affirms the identity constitution as a flexible and continuous discourse construction which happens via identifications established throughout life. Also, that a relationship among subjects produces a social bond which results in a discourse repositioning which will give occasion to the production of something new and singular coming from the subject. Methodologically, the research grew from the observation - during a year - of a teacher education program, as well as from statements, interviews, texts from the participating teachers, which were gathered and analyzed, and field notes from the researcher. The analysis of the corpus focused the possible meanings produced by the teachers discourses, as well as the manoeuvres observed in discursive situations during some interventions by the ministering teachers of the program. It was possible to observe that the identity constitution of the participating teachers in continuing education is built through discourse overlappings which point at times to an ideal incorporation of the teacher position, and at other times to an incomplete self image, undervalued both socially as well as by teachers themselves. It was further noticed that subtle changes in the image these have of themselves, their teaching practice and the language they must teach result from a social bond under the predominant logic of the discourse of the university


formação de professores identidade sujeito discurso lingua estrangeira - estudo e ensino education identity subject discourse teaching and learning a foreign language teacher

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