Idade média e modernidade: a recepção crítica e criativa das cantigas do mar de vigo / Middle Age and Modernity: the critical and creative reception of vigo sea songs




This research, following the theoretical principles of the Aesthetic of Reception by Hans Robert Jauss, addresses the relationship that may exist between the literary productions of different periods, the effect of its readings at different times. At first, it was necessary to know the research of Paul Zumthor, the poetic-musical tradition prevalent in the Middle Ages. The focus of this study, concerning the medieval period, is on the seven cantigas de amigo of Martin Codax. The achievements of the twentieth century from the medieval past are not limited to philological and musical background. The work performed by poets such as Ezra Pound and TS Eliot, who proposed to retrieve certain values in medieval modernist poetry, brought about a creative recovery, different from imitating the past, but willing to renew it. This creative approach between past and present was also studied by Mikhail Bakhtin, whose ideas contributed greatly to this research. Several modernist writers who somehow rescued marks of this tradition showed that it can be recovered. Such rereading occurred in several countries, including poets of different nationalities. The main purpose of this work, however, was to see the evidence of contact between the songs of Martin Codax and modernist poetry. We examine the creative reception of contemporary poets: Adília Lopes and Duda Machado, and further, the reception hosted by Mário de Andrade in the book Lira Paulistana


idade média middle ages modernism trovadorismo mário de andrade martim codax lira paulistana lira paulistana mário de andrade estética da recepção troubadours martin codax aesthetics of reception modernismo

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