Iconicidade toponímica na Chapada Diamantina: estudo de caso / toponymic iconicity in the Chapada Diamantina: a case study




The toponymic sign, which main characteristic is the identification of a certain location that establishes meaning, in some contexts, may emphasize some referred location features, bringing to light a kind of toponymic iconicity (DICK, 1990). The present case study explores, on these aspects, toponyms from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, on the theoretical and methodological models presented by Dick in Atlas Toponímico do Brasil (ATB). By taking the regional context into consideration, 108 toponyms designating tour sites have been chosen from the Diamond Circuit area, where the main late 19th Century cities of Andaraí, Lençóis, Mucugê, and Palmeiras, that emerged due to mining and nowadays are important historic cities in the regional touristic circuit, are located. Having toponym as a cultural trace, physical and social environments description is performed, presenting geographic and historical cycles information, since these people settlement. The toponyms cataloging using lexigraphictoponymic forms (DICK, 2004) defines the linguistic treatment of the corpus and adds extralinguistic data, which help the understanding of naming motivation mechanisms. Toponymic signs are analyzed by their semantic categories and iconic properties


bahia chapada diamantina motivação toponímica toponymic motivation bahia toponímia toponymy toponymic iconicity iconicidade toponímica chapada diamantina

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