Hybrid metal-organic nanocomposites based on vandium pentoxide / Nanocompósitos híbridos metal-orgânicos baseados em pentóxido de vanádio




Nanostructured systems based on the intercalation of molecular and supramolecular species into lamellar vanadium pentoxide xerogels are focused on this Thesis. The exciting characteristics of the supramolecular systems which are closely related to the nature, interaction and organization of the chemical species involved, have been exploited aiming their application in sensor devices. Special emphasis has been given to the research dealing with vanadium(V) oxide in combination with many other suitable species for generating composite materials exhibiting potential application for sensing purposes. Along this line, the results obtained from the intercalation of metalloporphyrins into the lamellar vanadium(V) oxide matrix have been discussed in great detail. Another system, consisting of 4,5-diamine-2,6-dimercaptopyrimidine (DADMcP) as the intercalating species in vanadium(V) oxide, has also been investigated, stimulated by its promising use in high charge density batteries.


organic chemistry compostos de intercalação metalloporphyrin nanocompósitos intercalation compounds pentóxido de vanádio mercaptopyrimidine vanadium pentoxide metaloporfirinas mercaptopirimidina química orgânica vanádio (estudo) sensors nanocomposites sensores vanadium (study)

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