Hupomnémata : registro de história de vida de adolescentes em acolhimento institucional como escrita de si / Hupomnémata : record the life story of teens in residential care as self writing


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation addressed the issue of adolescents in residential care, and sought to ascertain the extent to which records the life stories of young people are housed in a self writing. According to the Institute for Advanced Research (2003), the national census revealed the existence of shelters for some 20.000 children and adolescents sheltered in Brazil, and 87% have family. The estimated period of institutionalization varies from seven months to five years. The Status of Children and Adolescents indicates in its article 101, paragraph one, the shelter should only be used as a resource for the protection of children and adolescents in a provisional and exceptional basis, usable as a way to transition to placement in a foster family. However, what is observed today are children and adolescents who remain in institutions for years waiting for their families back home or being sent to foster families. This long period of stay in institutions committed to maintaining family ties and therefore the continuity of a memory or a history of life recorded. In general, the records made on the life history of these subjects are held in records by the adults who accompany them, however, in most cases there are no records on the desires, perceptions and memories. The theoretical referential use of Foucault s writing about himself, says that this activity as the registration of interior movements, thoughts, desires and actions of the person writing. Foucault refers hupomnêmata the idea that in ancient times, was used by Greeks as a way to record material from memory and took the form of diaries and notebooks made from different elements such as drawings, memories, reflections. For Foucault (2006a) writing for oneself a self care that allows for subjectivity. The work was accomplished through the construction of sheltered daily with adolescents, in São Paulo. The activities consisted in fifteen thematic regular meetings in which these young people were able to record content such as: memories, impressions and feelings. This process was described in this work in a narrative form and used the theory of Oral Life History of Joseph S. B. Meihy (1991) proposes that transcription and trans textualization of the material. Throughout the text one can understand how the technique was adapted for this Meihy proposal allowing a format other than construction work. This process allowed the creation of spaces where possible to the appearance of the subjects.


cuidado de si instituição social life history self care social institutions historia de vida caderno de notas writing pad

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