Hospital-dia da faculdade de medicina de Botucatu-UNESP : estudo descritivo da população atendida




During the last years, psychiatric practice in general and espedaHy psychiatric hospitaIs have been strongly criticized. As an alternative to full-time hospitalization, day-hospitals and similar services are being created. Date from the Brazilian Ministry of Health have shown an increasing number of these services, but there is no available information about their functioning and about their adequacy to the population needs. Considering this fact, a prospective study of the day-hospital of Botucatu Medical School (São Paulo, Brasil) was conducted, aiming to describe the population admitted and its clinical evolution during partial hospitalization. The study comprised: sociodemographic data, psychiatric antecedents, psychopathological profile (Briel Psychiatric Ratíng Scale - BPRS), diagnoses (ICD 10 criteria), family relationship (Global Assessment 01 Relatíonal Functioning Scale), and psychosocial incapacitation leveIs (Psychiatric Disabílity Assessment Schedule-- DAS). Data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and to logistic regression analysis, considering improvement, treatrnent duration and adherence as dependent variables. There was a predorninance of women (76,5%), younger than 40 years old (61,8%), from Botucatu and surroundings (64,8%), without marital relationship (70,6%) and with affective disorders (44,1 %). The hospitalization lasted in average 74 days, and 79,4% of the patients had improved when discharged from the hospital. The per capita income was a predictive fador of improvement (p=0,03). Treatrnent duration was longer among individuais with anxious/depressive symptoms (p=0,02) and shorter among those with desorientation/withdrawal. When improvement was considered, those with marital relationships were hospitalized for a shorter period (p=O,OO2). Adherence, evaluated through coming to the service for treatment, was higher among patients with marital relationships, lower per capita income and frequent family attendance at the service. The studied day-hospital resembles those that promote an extension to out patient treatment more than those that intend to substitute fuH-time hospitalization. The association between better outcome and higher per capita income, marital relationship and shorter period of hospitalization, as weH as, the mean duration of hospitalization one compatible with the literature. It is stated that the demands used by the Brazilian Ministry of Health to accredit day-hospitals are not enough to guarantee their quality. This kind ofservice may become a profitabie investment jeorpardizing the quality of the service, ironicaHy one the fiercest criticisms to the traditional psychiatric hospitals


psiquiatria social saude mental

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