Hormonal regulation of the Mongolian gerbil female prostate : alterations caused by senescence and hormonal supplementation (DHEA) / Regulação hormonal da prostata feminina do gerbilo da Mongolia : alterações decorrentes da senescencia e mediante a suplementação hormonal pela deidroepianadrosterona (DHEA)




In contrast to the classic boarding, the prostate is not an exclusive gland of the male organism and it can be found in mammal females, including humans and rodents. The precise comprehension of the post-natal development and possible histopathological processes related to this gland are difficult because of its anatomical paraurethral localization and it restricting the study in necropsy material. However, the similarity between the Mongolian gerbil prostate (Meriones unguiculatus) and women one makes it a good animal model to study the morphofunciotional feature of this gland. The analyse of the epithelial and stromal components in the prostate of young, adul and old ages, the histopathological disorders decurrent of aging and their morphological answer related to the hormonal supplementation by deidroepiandrosterona (DHEA) were the objective of this work. The results were based on structural, ultrastructural, morphometric-steriological studies and hormonal analyzes (except the treated animals). The young female prostate showed an early gland functionaly compared to the male in the same age and it was probably associated to the serum stradiol levels. The aging was marked by the reduction of the serum steroids and intensification of the benign, pre-malignant and malignant histopathological alterations. Altought these same changes had already developed in the adult age, they had lesser incidence. Hormonal supplement promoted instability of the gland homeostasis in the young age inducing the development of benign and malign histophatological alterations beyond the high biossinthetic stimulation on the secretory cells. Some modificated cellular phenotypes were identifyed in the gland secretory epithelium and it could be amplifyed during the senesce period and after the hormonal administration. In this way, the real condition of the prostatic histopathology is alarming and few atention is given to this gland wich is too inherent to the female genital system, especially regarding the senescence and therapies of hormonal supplementation. Maybe it is necessary an adaption in the female clinic routin since this female ogan exists and thus the gland could be monitored and some discomforts and damages of the women health could be prevented


gerbil envelhecimento female prostate histopatologia histopathology prostata feminina aging gerbil

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