Homogeneous particlebord from bamboo bonded by polyurethane resin castor oil based / Chapas de particulas homogeneas de bambu aglomeradas com resinas poliuretana bi-componente a base de oleo de mamona




The aim of this research “Homogeneous Particleboard of Bamboo Bonded whith Poliurethane Resin Castor Oil Based” was to manufacture and to evaluate particleboards made with two alternative materials, looking for the productive process sustainability. Particles from Bambusa vulgaris were employed due to the its fast production cycle and its availability in Brazilian country. Poliurethane resin castor oil based was employed as a binder because it is parcially produced by a renewable source and its low toxicity. For the material caracterization it was manufactured at laboratory scale boards from bamboo particles smaller than 2.4 mm combined with 5%, 10% e 15% of resin in relation to the bamboo particles mass. Specimens were submited to physical (thickness control, density, water absorption and swelling after 2 hrs and 24 hrs of imersion in water) and mechanical (nail withdraw on surface and top, Janka hardness, longitudinal compression strength, static bending and internal bond) evaluations according to the Brazilian Standard NBR 14810 – Boards of agglomerate wood. Specimens evaluated in longitudinal compression were previously tested through a Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) by ultrasonic method. The results were statistically compared and showed that resin content related to bamboo particles afected the physical and mechanical board properties. 10% resin content was not statiscally different of 15% resin content, both superior to 5% resin content. Nevertheless NDE has been sensible to detect resin content effect on ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) across the specimens it was not possible to correlate with longitudinal compression strength. In most of the properties evaluated there was a statistical difference between bamboo particles boards with 10% resin content and the commercial agglomerated boards, being the commercial agglomerated boards demonstrated superior results, with exception to the swelling after 24 hrs.


bamboo testes não-destrutivos bambu gomas e resinas nde (testing) homogeneuos boards poliurethane chapa de madeira aglomerada castor oil mamona

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