History in Heideggers Thought in Being and Time / A História no pensamento heideggeriano de Ser e Tempo




This study intends to present historicity [or historicality] as discussed in the work Being and Time by Martin Heidegger. We understand that this author presents an original discussion about the meaning of history in opposition to the conceptions developed by the Historicism. In order to do so we described the considerations presented in Heideggers thoughts in 1927, which reinforce his overcoming the epistemological approach and proposing the ontological understanding of history. According to him, the comprehension of what history means should not be defined by the attempts to establish it as a science, but an ontological comprehension of history is revealed by describing the fundamental human condition as Dasein. Based upon daily human existence Heidegger inquiries the significance of history, namely the mode-of-being of history - called historicity [historicality]. We tried to accomplish the exposition of the mode-of-being of history by means of the fundamental elements description as inserted in the Analytics of Dasein, because these elements (being-with-others, temporality, understanding, care, being-towards-death, state-of-mind, etc), along with the description of the phenomenologic-hermeneutical methodology, bring into light the original ontological perspective by Heideggers thoughts to discuss the problem of history


historicidade temporality compreensão ser-comos- outros ser-para-a-morte fenomenologia cuidado temporalidade historicity [historicality] dasein understanding filosofia being-towardsdeath morte being-with-others phenomenology dasein care history disposição historia -- filosofia ontologia história ontology state-of-mind heidegger, martin -- 1889-1976 -- ser e tempo -- critica e interpretacao

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