Histórias em quadrinhos sobre a História do Brasil na década de 50: A narrativa dos artistas da Ebal e outras editoras / Histórias em quadrinhos sobre a História do Brasil na década de 50: A narrativa dos artistas da Ebal e outras editoras




This work try makes a survey in comics what tell about historical facts, with emphasis in histories produced in Brazil in the decade of 50, mainly those produced by the EBAL publishing company. An analogy with other countries that had produced similar comics in the same period in intention to compare the narratives in each one of them and Brazil. Narratives are analyzed in separate form, or either, the text and the images that compose the comics are classified in first and after a parallel are traced to verify the form as artists and scriptwriters worked this sort. The study it shows as the artists worked the historical information and how they did adaptation for comics. Sample also as this narrative of historical facts produced in Brazil, in the decade of 50, was influenced and in that influenced later.


história narrative history década de 50 ebal histórias em quadrinhos narrativa ebal decade of 50 comics

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