História natural de Mazama bororo (Artiodactyla; Cervidae) através de etnozoologia, monitoramento fotográfico e rádio-telemetria. / Natural history of mazama bororo in the atlantic rain forest obtained through ethnozoology, photographic monitoring and telemetry.




The species Mazama bororo was proposed in 1996 based on the unique karyotype (2n=32-34) found in some captive animals. The present study began in 1998 and intended to confirm the occurrence of this species in nature as well as to develop deer capture methods adequate in forest environments and to obtain basic ecological information using etnozoological approach, camera traps and radio-collared animals. For this purpose research was carried out several in municipalities and in public or private conservation units along the Paranapiacaba Ridge, southern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Interviews accomplished with hunters and heart of palm gatherers from this region indicated the existence of 3 Mazama s species: M. americana, M. gouazoubira and M. bororo. These interviews also supplied general information about the ecology, behavior, diet and reproduction of these deer species and the hunting techniques employed in the region. Camera traps allowed the observation of the twilight and nocturnal habits of M. bororo and of some patterns of habitat utilization, probably related to anti-predatory strategies, reproduction and resources availability along the year. In spite of the intense efforts, all techniques employed for capture in this study had a low capture index. The interception technique, using fixed or dismountable traps and resulting in the capture of 4 animals, was the most efficient. Home ranges of two M. bororo (females) and a M. gouazoubira (male) were estimated in the Intervales State Park (PEI) and it’s outskirts by radio-telemetry. The home ranges of M. bororo were considerably smaller and covered by well preserved native vegetation. M. gouazoubira many times occupied degraded areas, indicating distinct habitat preferences between these species. Not proven evidences of the existence of M. americana in the studied region rise important questions regarding M. bororo preservation; there is an urgent need for intensive studies to confirm this simpatry, to determine the niches of both species and to define the geographical distribution of Mazama bororo in the last Atlantic Rain Forest remainders of the Brazil.


deer telemetria etnozoologia floresta pluvial história natural ecology veado photography (monitoring) natural history telemetry rainforest ethnozoology fotografia (monitoramento) ecologia

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