História e memória do ambientalismo no Vale do Rio dos Sinos




The dissertation História e Memória do Ambientalismo no Vale do Rio dos Sinos (History and Memory of Environmentalism at Rio dos Sinos Vale) pro poses an historical analysis of protection initiative to the environment that happened at Rio dos Sinos Drainage-Basin region (Rio Grande do Sul). This analysis starts from the beginning of Brazilian environmentalist movement, retaking the work started by Henrique Luiz Roessler with the foundation of União Protetora da Natureza (Nature Protector Union) (1955), and extends until early in the 90ths and stands out relevant environmentalist struggles in Vale do Rio dos Sinos and observing aspects of environmentalism that the geographic space approached by the research. The proposal that lead the research construction inserts itself in the line of Environmental History, and more specifically, in the line of historical studies faced to the understanding of contemporary environmental problems. Inside this perspective, the research has prized cultural practices that make possible the exposition and public discussion of environmentalism demand in Vale dos Sinos and has given special prominence to the politicization and for the textual production that followed the environmentalist speech in the region. In its first chapter, the dissertation is about the environmental politicization from the struggles to the nature preservation and the interaction with the environmentalists and the public power and with other society segment. The second chapter is about the textual environmentalist production taking as theoretical support the concept of writing economy by Michel de Certeau. The content of the second chapter presents an analysis of relevant texts to the construction of a preservation speech to the nature connected to the local geography and influenced by the work of UNISINOS in the environmental area. The final chapter of dissertation was built from the oral historical method and its content is about the study of a set of remembrances related to regional environmentalist activism. The text of this chapter analyses fragments of important memory to the understanding of cultural dimension of environmentalism, giving prominence to experiences of Environment Education and initiatives of social mobilization and participation of environmentalists in the qualification and amplification of the public services relating to the environment


educação ambiental writing economy historia memory environmental politicization environment education vale dos sinos politização do ambientalismo vale dos sinos memória environmental history história ambiental economia escriturística

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