Histocompatibility-linked genetic control of susceptibility to age-dependent polioencephalomyelitis in mice.


Susceptibility to induction of immune polioencephalomyelitis (IPE) was found to be controlled by a gene that is closely linked to the H-2 complex. Whereas mice of the AKR (H-2k) strain were susceptible to IPE induction, H-2-congenic mice, AKR.H-2b (H-2b from C57BL/6) and AKR.M (H-2m), were resistant. However, susceptibility to IPE may be under additional control by a gene(s) outside of the H-2 region, since both C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice and congenic B6.H-2k mice (H-2k from AKR) were resistant to IPE induction. F1 hybrid mice derived from AKR (susceptible) and DBA/2 (resistant) mice were susceptible to IPE induction, indicating that susceptibility is dominant in at least one gene, but susceptibility developed at a later age in the hybrid mice than in AKR mice. B6.PL-Ly-2a Ly-3a/Cy, C57BR, C57L, PL, and RF strain mice were resistant to ipe induction. Thus, of the 12 inbred strains tested so far, only two (C58 and AKR) are susceptible to IPE.

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