Heterosis and combining ability in partial diallel crosses of pepper. / Heterose e capacidade de combinação em cruzamentos dialélicos parciais de pimentão.




This research aimed to estimate the nature and magnitude of genetic parameters, mainly the heterosis of F1 hybrids and both general and specific combining ability in a partial diallel crossing system of pepper (Capsicum annuum). The parents included two different groups of lines : the first one has four PVY resistant lines (AF3267, AF3269, AF3270 and AF3278), and the second group of parents has six susceptible lines for this virosis (AF3248, AF3249, AF3252, AF3254, AF3255 and AF3256). The 24 obtained hybrids, the ten parental lines and the check cultivar Magali-R were tested in a randomized block design, with four replications, under field conditions, at Sakata Seed Sudamérica Ltda Research Station, located in Bragança Paulista, state of São Paulo, during the 10/18/99 to 03/17/00 period. Each experimental plot had ten total plants and five useful plants. The spacing used was 0.50m between plants inside the plot and 1.40m between plots. The following characters were evaluated : plant height at maturity (APM), number of days to flowering (NDF), number of days to maturity (NDM), fruit yield per plant (PFP), number of fruits per plant (NFP), average fruit weight (PMF), fruit length (CF), fruit diameter (DF), fruit pericarp thickness (EP) and number of locules per fruit (NL). The statistic-genetical analysis were done by using the methodology of diallel system of Gardner &Eberhart (1966) adapted by Miranda Filho &Geraldi (1984). The main result were: 1) Significant values of heterosis in relation to mid parent values were found out to the characters: plant height at maturity (-13.61 to 7.15%), fruit yield production (up to 18.11%), number of fruits per plant (14.22%), average fruit weight (up to 18.06%), fruit length (-12.52 to 19.53%), fruit diameter (5.79%), fruit pericarp thickness (up to 9.38%) and number of locules per fruit (6.11%); 2) They were obtained significant values of heterosis in relation to PVY resistant parent to the characters plant height at maturity (-16.03 to 35.84%), fruit yield per plant (up to 60.21%), number of fruit per plant (up to 47.39%) and fruit pericarp thickness (up to 18.38%); 3) Significant values of heterobeltiosis occurred to the characters fruit length (up to 15.74%), average fruit weight (up to 10.37%) and fruit diameter (5.60%); 4) There were significant values of heterosis in relation to the standard Magali-R to the characters fruit yield per plant (29.27%), average fruit weight (up to 25.73%), fruit length (up to -25.28%), fruit diameter (up to 23.58%), fruit pericarp thickness (up to 32.97%) and number of locules per fruit (13.35%); 5) There was higher predominance of additive genetic effects to the characters plant height, number of days to flowering, fruit yield per plant, number of fruits per plant, fruit pericarp thickness and number of locules per fruit. The non-additive genetic effects were more important to the characters: number of days to maturity, average weight, length and diameter of fruit; Significant values of medium, from group 2 and specific heterosis were observed to the characters: plant height at maturity, average weight and length of fruit, indicating the contribution of both general and specific combining ability.


pimentão melhoramento genético vegetal diallel cross pepper vegetable genetic breeding heterosis combinação genética cruzamento dialélico heterose genetic combining

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