Hermes: a framework for P2P application programming / Hermes: um arcabouço para a programação de aplicações P2P




Hermes is a framework for P2P application programming. Using it, one can create several kinds of distributed applications without worrying about the underlying network. Hermes is not a P2P overlay network implementation, but a shell envolving existing implementations. The application developer is isolated from the implementation of the overlay network in use. This isolation is done in a way that poses no limitations on the network architecture used, which may be centralized, decentralized, structured or unstructured. Amongst the services offered by Hermes are: message exchange, search, group communication, and distributed storage. In the early stages of the development of a distributed application, information as to its final size or utilization profile is often unknown. Hermes gives the application developer the possibility of delaying, until the actual moment of system deployment, the decision as to which network architecture or which overlay network implementation is the most appropriate. It also gives the developer the choice, when utilization profile changes over time, of replacing the network implementation with one more suitable to the application needs, without changes on the application code.


redes de sobreposição sistemas distribuídos overlay networks peer-to-peer distributed systems peer-to-peer

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