Hemagglutination Assay of Antibodies Associated with Pulmonary Acariasis in Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca mulatta)


Antibodies associated with infection by lung mites (Pneumonyssus simicola) in rhesus monkeys were measured by passive hemagglutination methods. Tanned human Rh negative O red blood cells or sheep red blood cells coated with soluble acarine antigens were used to detect mite-specific antibodies. Large quantities of host-specific mite antigens (P. simicola) were difficult to obtain, so free-living mite species such as Dermatophagoides farina, Acarina sheldonii, and Tyrophagus putrificiensis were also utilized. Although the best serological specificity and sensitivity were obtained with P. simicola and its derivatives (1:640), several free-living acarine species were useful in detecting antibodies to mites. Skin tests carried out on a limited number of animals were positive for both immediate and delayed hypersensitivity.

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