Hearts of Darkness: The Experience of ‘Horror’ In Roger Casement’s Writings - The Fabrication of on Antihero


Ilha Desterro




Abstract The article1 presents an analysis of texts by a number of authors who deal with Roger Casement’s writings, aiming at assessing how those authors fabricate a discourse based on alleged acts a discourse that ends up perpetuating a representation of Casement’s persona. Casement ends up being both a hero - up until his arrest and condemnation as a traitor to the British Empire - and an antihero - not only after his arrest but also and especially after his Black Diaries were uncovered, bringing about Casement’s disappearance from the public’s view as an important humanist and character in British and Irish histories. The article also tackles the close relation between Casement and the main characters in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

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