Hantaviruses Clinical and serologicalsurvey in Ribeirão Preto, SP / "Estudo clínico-epidemiológico sobre a hantavirose na região de Ribeirão Preto, SP"




The hantaviruses are zoonoses of wild rodents that cause serious human diseases: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Asia and Europe (10 to 12% lethality rates) and Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Syndrome in the American continent (HPCVS - 59% lethality rate). Hantaviruses (family Bunyaviridae) are enclosing viruses that measure 120 nm approximately, they possess RNA of simple ribbon and negative sense, divided in 3 segments (L, M and S) that are replication in the cytoplasm. The human infection links to the inhalation of aerosols of Hantavirus infected rodents excretes, although reports of person-to-person transmission exist in South America. In the State of São Paulo the infected rodents found were the Bolomys lasiurus, the Akodon cursor and the Oligoryzomys negrips. From the first 3 cases of hantaviruses described in Brazil (1993) with individuals inhabitants of the rural area of Juquitiba, SP, evidencing the first well-known supplies of HPCVS, more than a hundred cases have been notified in Brazil, causing 60 deaths (of 46% lethality rate). There have been fourteen cases of HPCVS since1998 to 2001 with of 64,2% letality rate, in the Ribeirão Preto area what motivated this work. One of the objectives was clinical and epidemic aspects studies of the cases of hantaviruses that happened in the Area of Ribeirão Preto, from 1998 to 2001, to know the behavior of the hantavirusess in this area. Analyzing and accompanying patient medical records of 14 patients with HPCVS, fever was observed (100% of the cases), disnea and coughs (64,2%), accompanied of arterial hipotension, tachicardia (64,2%), migraine and digestive symptoms (57%); adynamic and general weakness (50%), hemorrhagic phenomenons (28,5%), mialgia (21,4%) and convulsion (7,5%). In the laboratorial profile the platelets count <130000/mm3 (100%), hematocrit>55%, (78,6%); leucocytosis >15000/mm3 (64,2%), neutrofilia >7000 / mm3 and small sticks>600 cels / mm3 (64,2%), creatinine serical level >1,5mg/100ml (63,6%) and PO2 <70 mmHg (54,5%). The diagnosis laboratorial of the hantaviruses was made by ELISA for IgM and IgG anti Sin Nombre after the discharge. There was significant difference among fatal and surviving cases, as the hantaviruses diagnosis suspicious (p=0,0152) and parenteral hydratation (p=0,0152): in the survivors, the HPCVS diagnosis suspicious was made between the 1st and the 2nd day of internment and the fatal cases, the suspicion was just made to the necropsies. Among infusion of liquid EV ³ over 2500 ml in the first 24 hours of treatment and evolution for the death. The precocious oxygen support, mechanics ventilation, as well as the use of vasoatives amines and the one of corticosteróides, did not have association with survival and the shock presence did not have association with death. The second objective was to antibodies for Hantavirus prevalence studies in the Area of Ribeirão Preto, in the population of Jardinópolis, SP. In the previous study among cities in that area it was obtained larger index of serologic prevalence (4,5%) for Hantavirus, it was in the Jardinópolis county Through ramdomised collection partly of the rural area and whole urban area, we obtained 818 samples of blood, inhabitants between 15 and 70 years, for digital puncture in filter paper and important data as age, gender, color, origin, professional activity, address, telephone; current disease, medications in use, pneumonia serious, dwelling type, number of inhabitants in the house, sewer, collects of garbage, barn, contact with rodents. These samples were processed, in the dilutions 1/50, 1/100, 1/400 and 1/1600. and submitted to indirect ELISA for detection of IgG for Hantavirus Los Andes. The results were analyzed by Fisher and Qui-square tests, using the InStat 3.0 program (GraphPad.Software Inc, USA) and for the one of 5%, with interval of trust of 95%. The general positivity rated 14,3% with ELISA (at title 50), urban zone (15,3%) and in rural zone 6,5% and they demonstrated high rates for the population of the Jardinópolis county. Comparing the positivity rates for Hantavirus between urban and rural zone inhabitants was significantly larger for the urban inhabitants (p = 0,0183). Significant increase was observed for the age group of 21 to 30 years (p = 0,0117) and for the one of 31 to 40 years (p = 0,0036) among different age groups. There was not significant difference of positivist for Hantavirus between men and women (p = 0,0892); nor for individuals with urban and rural professional activity (p=0,8799), neither for the individuals that referred serious pneumonia (p = 0,6096) as well as in the individuals that declared contact with rodents (p = 0,4842). There was not association among titles of 100 and 400 for Hantavirus with gender, local of habitation, contact with rodents and pneumonia serious.


hantaviruses clinical cases hantavirus serologic survey hantavirus estudo sorologico hantavirus hantavirus casos clinicos de hantaviroses

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