Handicapped Person Social Representation Facing Inclusion/Exclusion. / Representação Social da Pessoa com Deficiência frente à exclusão / inclusão.




The actual research had been reserved to investigate handicapped social representations facing exclusion / inclusion who participate in Fundação Centro Integrado de Apoio ao Portador de Deficiência FUNAD activities, located in João Pessoa, PB. It comes from aspects about handicapped person exclusion/inclusion context, searching for citizenship. The aim of this study was to give voice to these persons in order to, through their words; they could turn explicit the feelings, meanings and representations that rise out of the quotidian. Understanding one can attitudes and unveil the existing contradictions in inclusion and citizenship proposal. Form study analyses we chose Moscovici Social Representation Theory as theoretical- methodological as a support of a qualitative research. Seven persons were interviewed, who attended the institution previously referred, between the months of September and October of the current year. For data analysis it was selected the content analysis proposed by Bardin, from the theoretical categories exclusion, inclusion and citizenship, where they search to identify the social representations that these persons have about the exclusion/inclusion process and citizenship. The interviews analysis with the subjects involved in the research showed that those feel welcome in the institutional context that attend to, but the majority of the research subjects doesn t understand the inclusion, citizenship and rights proposal meaning, while citizens in the social context that are inserted. The study indicates that handicapped persons still bring with them the common sense about various feelings, among them we detach: the stigmatization and accommodation feelings that, in turn, remit, to my understanding, to a subordination alienation and ignorance attitude, about their rights as citizens in this inclusion perspective that the capital society, promoter of social exclusion, gives to them.


inclusion cidadania pessoa com deficiência educacao handicapped person social representation representação social inclusão

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