Habitos bucais e outros comportamentos considerados nocivos a oclusão dentaria : (contribuição ao seu estudo)




This work was based on a review of orthodontic literature since 1930. It has been found many different opinions about the oral habits and other harmful behaviors to the dental occlusion. This is a very wide field which study includes the necessity of knowledge not only on Orthodontics but also on Psychology, Pediatrics and Child Study. The Author tried to make clear some fundamental points which see med to be the major necessity of many other orthodontists and pedodontists. In studying the problem it was first made an evaluation of the methods utilized by different researchers and attempts were also made to define concepts. In doing this work it was found in the cited literature some authors who understand the habits as an emotional and psychological manifestation and others who explain them as a result of functional deviation of nutrition (mainly. breast feeding], respiration, neuro-muscular coordination or derived also from the inner structural conditions of the stomato-gnathic system. In relation to the- effects on the habits on the dental occlusion and alike structures there are two basic chains of opinions: one which emphasizes the harmfulness of the habits and other which defends its innocousness. Among the great number of researchers who belongs to the first chain there are those who accept effects only upon the dental position and others who consider also the possibility of effects on the bone structures of the jaws. In relation to the treatment of the habits there are several opinions: 1) those who recommend a direct attack to this behaviors, by using various inhibitory and even punitive devices, 2) those who recommend be the problem just ignored, 3) those who only admit psychological treatment and finally 4) the ones, perhaps more wisely, who recommend the treatment by an orthodontist, a pediatrician, a speech therapist and eventually, a rhinologist, all of them with a close cooperation of the parents. Ocasionally, the divergences suggested, among physicians, orthodontists and psychologists points of view seem natural and logic to the Author. It has been noted onlyya certain reluctance, from any of the sides, to accept the concepts and methods adopted by one or another, which occurs in function of some natural limitations of the professional formation in each of these areas. The Author does not agres with the psychologists and pediatricians who neglect the possibility to consider the harmfulness of oral habits to, at least, a part of the human body structures, which deviations and abnormalities may cause psychological and social disadjustment to the child. Likewise the Author does not agree with those orthodontists and pedodontists who concerned with their limited field of work forget the patients as human beings, looking for immediats solutions for problems that frequently demand other medical knowledges. However, nowadays, it has bean noted a certain evolution in the thoughts of the researchers, so it is appearing psychologists who admit the orthodontists problems and vice-versa


ortodontia oclusão (odontologia)

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