Habitat use of Tropical Screech Owl (Megascops choliba) and Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) on patchez of cerrado in state of São Paulo, Brazil / Uso do hábitat da corujinha-do-mato Megascops choliba e da coruja-buraqueira Athene cunicularia (Strigiformes: Strigidae) em remanescentes de cerrado da região central do Estado de São Paulo




The Cerrado biome is the largest, richest and perhaps the most threatened tropical savannah of the world. However, most part of its natural areas has been transformed on agrosystems and pastures where basic principles of conservation werent respected. Each biological group or taxa are affected on different ways by this change. Birds of prey are particularly affected because of its position in trophic webs, as they are top predators. To understand how these birds are affected by change caused by human land use, it is necessary to understand which factors are important for habitat selection, and then understand the species-habitat relationship. Thus, we observed ecological aspects of two widespread and common owls on Brazil: Tropical Screech-Owls (Megascops choliba) and Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia). The main objectives of this study included an analysis of methodological aspects of studying these owls species through playback and observe their habitat use. The study was conducted in the Estação Ecológica de Itirapina, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For doing it, we used playback experiments to detect these owls on four different cerrado physiognomies Vocal activities of Tropical Screech-owls were more detected in conditions of higher temperature and humidity. On the other hand, the Athene cunicularia answered more to playback in lower wind speed conditions and/or at full moon nights. The Burrowing Owl explored more frequently open physiognomies of cerrado, as campo limpo and campo sujo (Hk-w = 9.976; p = 0.0188). Conversely, Megascops choliba is more often found on campo cerrado, avoiding campo limpo (Hk-w = 10.88; p = 0.0137). According to Aikaikes Information Criterion (AIC) selection model, the most important variable to explain the distribution of both species in cerrado is the number of trees. There was ecological segregation between Megascops choliba and A. cunicularia. The spatial niche was intermediarily segregated (Pianka´s niche overlap measure O = 0.466), according their different needs for nesting and foraging. Additionally, these owls displayed broader (M. choliba Bst = 0.753) or intermediate (A. cunicularia Bst = 0.453) spatial niche breadths. On this sense, these owls have different needs on habitat selection, and their different distributions in cerrado were related more intrinsically to the number of trees present on each physiognomy, which is related to their nesting and foraging requirements. Aditionally, this study suggests, the importance to consider the influence of weather conditions on broadcast survey techniques for nocturnal raptors, which may be considered in further studies on census of these birds.


burrowing owl athene cunicularia megascops choliba uso do habitat habitat use tropical screech owl

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