HABILIDADES SOCIAIS EM FUSÃO DE ORGANIZAÇÕES: UMA ESTRATÉGIA PREVENTIVA DO ESTRESSE / Social Abilities in company mergers: a preventive strategy to handle stress.




The current worldly panorama of enterprises show considerable change due mainly to acquisitions, incorporations and company mergers, as a result of globalization. Brazil is included in such a scenario. Family companies, regional and local are being bought and face incorporations. The National Plan for Development encourages mergers as a means to make national companies more competitive and committed to quality in production. The presence of competent and entrepreneurship oriented executives is mandatory, and they would be expected to be able to put such process into place. However, there seems to be insufficient research on what social abilities are required to face up to the challenge of mergers. This study is aimed at identifying: a) which social abilities are indicated as necessary to whoever holds a command position in organizations currently under merger: b) what stress symptoms these professionals show as a result of being involved in a merger process: c) what social abilities these professionals have; d) general health conditions and e) the presence or absence of anxiety, hopelessness; depression and suicide ideation. Taking part on the study are 10 subjects, employees of a company, which is under a merger process, located in northern Paraná. They hold positions of command. The tools used in the study are: an open questionnaire with the purpose of investigating and raising data related to items a and b above; the Prette and Prette Social Abilities Inventory; the Goldberg Questionnaire on General Health and the Beck Scales, to cover items c, d and e respectively. Results indicated that the subjects tend to identify the verbal content abilities as the most important to face these moments and they are the actual abilities these individuals have developed. They comprise basically constant irritability, insomnia, anxiety, loss of appetite and stomach problems as the most common stress symptoms. From the mental health standpoint, the respondents mean to be in good conditions, with no severe symptoms as depression, hopelessness, low self-esteem. As a conclusion, further investigation is pointed out to be a need to learn more on social abilities for management members in companies under merger.


habilidades sociais psicologia psicologia da saúde empresas - fusão e incorporação fusão de organizações stress psicologia - teses e dissertações social abilities company mergers estresse

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