Há amor em sexo?




Speaking of sex is much more common than speaking of love. Sex becomes one of the protagonists in the post-modern scenery, transformed into a spectacle. According to Roland Barthes, in the 20th century, love is obscene instead of sex. An exiguous place is reserved to love, whereas to sex, an excessive publicity. Many books of the contemporary pop literature, like Sexo, by André SantAnna (1999), exhibit this described panorama. In the novel in question, love finds only a minimal space destined to itself. Love and sexual desire are transformed into what is of most fragmented in the body. As the human being became a thing and sex was converted into a spectacle, the relationships cease from being oriented by a romantic idealization and begin to be based on the search for sexual pleasure. By reading Sexo, this study intends to observe, through an interdisciplinary perspective, how the loving feeling is configured in the post-modern consumer society. In the post-modern world, like the one inhabited by the characters of Sexo, the loving bond is transitory,likely to be broken at any moment. The pleasure is the aim established by those who want to build connections. By losing its subversive character, the body is submitted to an excess of stimulus and the sexuality is manifested as one more lifestyle to be consumed.


love pós-modernidade pop literature post-modernity sexo amor linguistica sex andré santanna andré santanna literatura pop

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