Guerra e política nas relações internacionais




The issue of war is the central question in the academic field of International Relations, which articulates the most significant theoretical perspectives in the area: liberalism and realism. These theories have been presented as antagonists. Liberals would believe in the possibility of lasting peace and cooperation in international relations, while realists would emphasize periods of peace disturbed by inevitable war between states. However, the genealogical study of the provenance of the liberal theories ― based on the work of Immanuel Kant ― and realist theories ― based on the thought of Thomas Hobbes ― would shed light on the convergence of both in the defense of state, civil order and the notion of politics as peace. Instead of enemies, the theories of International Relations would become opponents, struggling for space of influence, but sharing principles and political intentions. This research seeks, though, to experiment other analytical perspectives of international relations, apart from the legal-political field of liberal and realist theories. Toward this, it aims to activate a study on war, of politics and international relations, based on the contributions of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Michel Foucault. This shift would enable us to observe politics not as civil peace, but as the continuation of war through institutions and relations of power. Hence, a different approach which would take the focus on the development of the international system and its contemporary transformations away from the legal-juridical references ― both state-centered or cosmopolitan ― opens new possibilities for the analysis of international relations, without creating a new contending theory to the traditional ones. On the contrary, an analytics of International Relations turns the tables on the monopoly of the existing theories, and challenges the imperative of adhering to one of the traditional conceptual frameworks. It attempts to develop a libertarian approach to the study of international relations, interested in the resistances to theoretical authorities and to the idea of sovereignty attached to centralized political powers


política libertarism international relations libertarismo politics guerra relacoes internacionais war foucaultian analytics politica internacional libertarismo ciencias sociais aplicadas

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