Guerra de sentidos : uma leitura dos pronunciamentos do Presidente George W. Bush sobre a guerra com o Iraque / War of meanings : a reading of George W. Bush s speeches on Iraq




This paper focuses on analyzing the process of legitimation of the war between the United States and Iraq performed by Bush Government, which started in March, 2003. Needless to say, the terrorist attacks of 11/9 transformed the international social-political scenario and demanded a new posture from the United States. For this reason, president George W. Bush has initiated one of the most significant changes in the North American external politics since the beginning of Cold War, leading a movement for fighting terrorism called War on Terror. The corpus consists of fifteen (15) speechs, ranging from January 29, 2002, when Bush informed the State of the Union, to December 29, 2006, when Saddam Hussein was executed. The theoretical basis adopted refers to the Discourse Analysis, as proposed by Pêcheux (1969, 1988 and 1977), Orlandi (1990, 1996, 1999 and 2003) and Maingueneau (1997 and 2005). Finally, the study concludes that the war between the United States and Iraq is the result of an intensive work of formulations, which are sustained in meanings that, in our opinion, refers to the founding discourse of the United States of America


analise do discurso war interdiscurso discourse analysis interdiscourse iraq guerra

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