Grupos de família: o modo de ser CEB em Lages/SC




It is known that the brazilian religious field has been changing fastly over the last thirty years. The Ecclesiastical Base Communities (CEBs) are the concretude of the originality of an ecclesiastical project linked to the Progressist Catholic Church, known as church of the poor ones (Steil), after they have conquered a remarked place, according to some analyses, they have lost a significant social visibility and power of mobilization. However, other investigations reveal that it is not a movement in processo of extinction, instead, it is its consolidation in the institution structure. This thesis is a study on the Ecclesiastical Base Communities (CEBs) in the city Lages, Santa Catarina, indentified within the empirical field as Family Groups/Ecclesiastical Base Communities (FG/CEBs). Referended by some authors I consider determined historical elements which point out to the origin and the development of the CEBs in Brazil, in Santa Catarina and in Lages. Through the fieldwork I enterview profissional religious individuals who are envolved and those who integrate the social base of the FG-CEBs, preveleging in the witnessig of these individuals some referencials which reveal the way of life of these Groups nowaddays. Thus, I seek to learn #the signals# which are similar among to themselves or those which distinguish from this way of living the Catholicism of the ancient CEBs. In the set of the indentified #signals#, I focalize some that point out a continuum, that is, the Family Groups come up from the CEBs. However, others show off characteristics which singularize them. Among the distinctive #signals# I stress what is considered one of the conspicuous acts (Malinowski) in the life of the Groups, the #Festival of the Tents#, interpreted as a synthesis ritual of mediations, among them, the remarking for the mediation of the gift.


antropologia catolicismo comunidades eclesiais de base - lages (sc)

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